Show Managers Expand Their Business With The Beam…..

Event management now has a way to significantly improve participation from press, attendees and keynotes while generating revenue.

Press – Leveraging press has never been so easy for your event or for the person writing the story.  The Beam has been utilized and featured by major reporting agencies around the world.  Increased press coverage benefits your event, exhibitors and sales.

New Revenue – Event Presence has programs specifically designed for event management to leverage Smart Presence technology at events.  Allowing attendees access to your event via a Beam can generate additional revenue by selling remote presence time to anyone in the world.  The Beams create a new interactive sponsorship opportunity like no other. Click here to view an example of our e-commerce event information.

Rent BeamPro’s Now

Exhibitors and Beams –  Beams are rented to exhibitors for exclusive use in their booth.  The exhibitor is provided administrative rights to the Beam to allow its employee(s), C level management or booth staff to access the Beam during the event. A Beam is used as an innovative tool to allow the best person to answer questions from attendees while increasing exposure with prospective clientele.

Increase Attendance with Beams – For the first time in history, show managers can sell registration to physical attendees as well as remote attendees on Beams. This increases the profitability of the show in many ways. More attendee’s means exhibitors will have increased exposure which makes the event more valuable for all who participate.

Attract Top Tier Keynotes- Timing and paying substantial appearance fees are everything when it comes to acquiring A-List speakers. The Beam increases the opportunity to acquire A list talent because of the remote presence convenience. Allowing the talent to easily Beam to an event substantially reduces appearance costs. Event Presence is partnered with one of the largest talent agencies to make your event even more memorable using Smart Presence Beam technology. Time is money and the Beam is the ultimate time saver.  Click here to look at talent on the Beam.

Yep! Even you can become a Beam Pilot.